
21. Committed. RonyBu. Dramatic. Romantic. Happy. Student. Actor. Poetry. Optimistic. Crazy. Practical. Complicated. Imaginative. Crass. Loving la Vida.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

... the sun rises...

...HAPPY 17 MONTHS bubuLiPs...
June 4, 2005
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I love you bubu!

so my Bubu left on the 31st and is now living in a hotel provided by the Disney folk for a good three weeks.

Damn, the sadness of it all. Ofcourse, I wanted to bawl my eyes out. Driving away from the airport, all I could pretty much do was stare outside the window. I did not want to look at Rony's sister, his mom, or his cute niece Chloe cause I'd just make a scene. And me crying... yeah that's a horror movie marathon in itself (in terms of how ugly I would get).

So I think all the tension of my tear muscles went into my head and I got a huge huge super headache afterwards. As in huge... maybe I should've cried... But I'm a strong man... *waaahhhh huhuhu*

Aww I miss Rony. Not till I was going to bed did I realize that him leaving for a year or more was sooo real. I suddenly felt empty (don't laugh at my little sentimentality). I wouldn't get a goodnight call, or talk about how our days went. Just the little things I, we were used to were suddenly the most important aspects of everything that we built for the past 17 months.

So I cried... and cried... and cried... until I fell asleep. Before I went to sleep though, I texted him a really long message, which I just sent him yesterday actually because his roaming just got activated. It sucks at that time cause there was no way I could contact him after we had chatted when he got there. And the next morning, I composed him a goodmorning message that I would send him when his phone is activated.

Felt pretty down, but I was telling myself to smile and be a little bit more optimistic because I knew that Rony will be doing something that he really loves and could potentially put him in a pedestal among musical greats here in the Philippines when he gets back.

One time he told me that he doesn't like seeing me cry, cause it makes him cry as well... *sigh* I miss you bubu...

So June 1st... I was in school to get my grades... not bad... but still have not gotten my math grades yet. Hopefully I passed...

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Mr. 80% Rehearsals

Had a BlueRepertory core meeting, then rehearsals for Mr. 80 percent. Got drunk with Pom. He talked about his frustrations about his love life, I talked about Rony... huhuhu...

Went to mag:net cafe at katipunan and watched SPIT (silly people improv theatre) with our Mr. 80 director Carelle. Fun fun fun.

June 2nd I don't know what I did. Slept all day I think.

June 3rd Rony's phone got activated and he calls me to say goodnight and chat a little bit... and it was nice to have that piece of normalcy back. Atleast for a few moments I know that he and I are back in our little sappy world of love story.

So yeah, I'm fine now. Rony and I know where we are in terms of where our relationship stands. He is flying me to Hong Kong on Wednesday to spend a week with him before school starts. Gonna check out his prospect apartments and just lazy around with him hehehehe! I'm so excited!

Oh yeah yesterday my sister and I were not satisfied with our summer escapades so we ended up placing a banig on the ground and sunbathing... in our balcony. Aimed with a garden hose and in our bathing suits... it was like tanning on a beach (well maybe not, it was a bonding experience nonetheless hehehe).
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nice tan noh? hehehe

Today was taco day at my house. We called up my oldest brother Alexis and his wife Ate Roma to celebrate my youngest bro's birthday.. actually his bday was on june 3rd). Also made pasta, fried chicken, and mojos with my siblings... not sooo shabby lunch I should say.

Now I'm blogging...
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Miss Rony!!!
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Love you baby... Happy 17 Months yesterday!


Blogger eL said...

i love your pic on the bench! you look so serious and artsy-fartsy like. i miss you andrei my bluerep boyfriend! hahahaha! i might go to the gay pride thing in castro this month... wish you and rony were here! mwah! :)

2:39 PM  

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