... back
... been back here in the motherland since sunday night... enjoyed my stay in hong kong, a lot of quality time with Rony... we did go around HK, but for the most part, it was just a fun and relaxing none touristy break, i felt like i was living there, taking the buses and mtr by myself to meet up with rony, hang out a couple of times with his friends, and see everything that my bu goes through on a daily basis... fun fun fun!
he'll be back here before i even miss him again (first weekend of June, and then three weeks after that again)... so ill save the missing part when we havent seen each other for more than a month hehe... Okay fine, i miss him!
it was right back to blueREP business the monday after i landed. Stages of Love preprod... then auditions... then deliberating who was going to be called back... then deciding from then who to cast. It was both fun and new, this time i was on the other side of the panel--- making decisions, seeing which part belongs to who, making changes, getting frustrated by little comments that are not necessary... but today was the 1st day of cast assembly where laura (vocal coach) briefed them about the show.
i am a bit scared that these people might not see my vision. it is hard sometimes to tell whether people actually get your ideas. hopefully they learn to trust me and let me do whatever i can to create a good show. and that the rehearsal process would be a good way to explore the ideas that i put down on paper.
excitement and worry is what i have in directing a musical revue for the first time. It's not just a directing lab that i am doing it for this time. It's the first production of bluerep to marked its 15th season. And i really want to do justice to the music that Rony arranged. I mean the songs are so weaved together and i really just want to convey the story clearly and hopefully the message gets out there. It is a bit overwhelming cause there is that thought at the back of my head, that it might suck, will the cast take me seriously?, is the script no good? all that jazz...
but like chari said in one of our meetings, if you feel passionate about the material, then you will do everything you can to put up a show...
also we have a talented cast of people from bluerep, a good mix of those from my batch (when i was a freshie in college) to the newbies from last year. And for kyla and caisa to drop by during the callbacks and hear their feedback, nice that these people are willing to help out. To Jill and Laura! This will be good.
and what's most important is that Rony believes in me... helping me conceptualize the scenes, challenging me with things in the creative process of making the show work, calming me down whenever my emotions go berserk, and allowing me to use his music and have my own take on it (well i am his boyfriend--- he is obliged to support me, hehe).
So here's to the music, here's to blueREP, here's to mentors, to my RonyBu and to Stages of Love.