Holy crap! We're Opening on Friday already!!!!!! Watch! Watch! Please?!
For tickets and schedules, call Ticketworld at 891-9999 or call 635-4478.
21. Committed. RonyBu. Dramatic. Romantic. Happy. Student. Actor. Poetry. Optimistic. Crazy. Practical. Complicated. Imaginative. Crass. Loving la Vida.
Holy crap! We're Opening on Friday already!!!!!! Watch! Watch! Please?!
the Bomont Kids on a break from rehearsing...
... footloose rehearsals going great! Still have mama says problems, but I know I am getting there... felix didn't sing with me today, well sorta. I still had him sit right by me so he can correct me if my notes are off. But I see naman the progress. I'm really not a good singer, only started singing when i started theatre with blueREP in 2003, hence I don't have that musicality and the ear for harmony, and that should be a valid excuse right?... but it's not. So I'm working really hard, my siblings are going nuts already with the Mama Says song, but they understand. I told them that I could get fired and my career will be over!