So yesterday marked the first day to "Fitness and Health," as Kakki, Ralph and, I ventured into the unknown territory of...
::lightning bolts and thunder::
THE GYM! a little bit of upper body workout for me... and some cardio exercises to start. Quite exciting actually. There's just something about telling people... "oh i'm going to the gym today." It's like you really care about yourself, but really you have just succumbed to the social pressures of society on how one individual should look... uhhh, actually I have no problem with that...
I don't really have that much substantial shit to say other than i hope i don't get lazy and SHALL lose the unnecessary adipose tissue that has been danggling from my thighs and what not.
I am not much of a good actor or a singer... or can even call myself an actor/singer just yet, but I am allowed to have my own opinions just like any free man in a democracy. So here goes...
Saw TA's 3Po.... as in Tanghalang Ateneo's Three Penny Opera...
it's just so amusing to see their posters say... If it's from TA, it must be good... or something to that effect. Hehehe... YEAH...
One comment about it:
Sloppy, but some TA guy said and i quote "uhhh, that was the point..." then I said.. "why then Good Job!" (meanwhile trying to still recover from what for me was an ASAP show gone waaay bad.
TA guy then added, "Oh well if you noticed the actors can't even really sing or dance..." all of a sudden a screaming fart busted out in my brain... saying WUUHHHAAAAT?! I mean, I did notice it, but wuuhhhaaat?! (still breathing heavily).
Hmmm, my theatre arts blockmate who was in the play even confirmed that this show was so rushed, but then said that it was really meant to be sloppy... my translation :
as spellbinding as being hypnotized by disco lights at a freakin cheap and sleazy karaoke bar in Quezon Ave. and that I should've read the Director's notes... Okay fine point taken. Nag shot muna ako ng Ginebra BILOG!
But I felt there were a lot of socially relevant issues that underlying in the play that was not effectively executed because of the unnecessary chaos on stage...
"but it was meant to be like that!!" some TA person might say... that I should have paid attention to the lyrics and such to get the story and message of 3po. However, it's kinda hard to concentrate on that aspect when the show was pushing it too hard to be funny, therefore veering the audience, or atleast me away from the "lesson" or moral of the story...
Felt that there wasn't really any build up in the characters of the play as well... annoying...
The set was nicely done. The karaoke screens, I thought were ridiculous at first, but in hindsight was a good idea because the actors couldn't sing... hmm what else... they sang a song but didn't really feel the words and what was meant... it was bad... I swear.
If it's from TA it must be good... hmmm not this time... But hey it was innovative and, if it was really meant to be as sloppy as I saw it to be, then it will take a lof of getting used to, not just by me, but for a lot of people who watched it. Ask around... promise!
But watch it anyway... if you're not forced to by your teachers yet... (its required i think for some classes.)
Then after the waste of 200 pesos stopped by Katie's inuman at Cantina. Happy Bday on Valentine's Day sweetie... had some good nachos, a margarita, and the pink fruity drink thing... sooo sooo good! Thanks katie!
Then off i went to makati:
Caught the last full show of
the phantom of the opera last night with kyla, pineds, josh, and BuBu!!!! Soo nice. very engaging and well done!!!!! Atleast saw something good noh?
Then off home to Bubu's place... watched American Idol... cuddled a little... ok a lot... hihi... then to bed... *sigh*
Love you all!
I love you more Bubu... mwah!