Are you trully my savior?
A statue of purity and virtue
We meet face to face as the holy hymns and nature's winds clash through the refuge bearing your body and blood...
Captivating each being for a moment
Unconsious brightness on their faces
As if understanding... an all knowing illuminati
Of fake repentence and offered sacrifices
Are you trully my God of gods?
Blood stains on each hand
A drill of nails for all who had wronged
Yet your image, a gentle calm.
Disturbed by the trueness of your hazel eyes
Though knowing no blood flows
And no veins exist on your concrete Sacred Heart.
From these oak pews I see a decieving glance...
Is it warmth you exude or a look cursing my existence
Following my every movement...
A mocking grin or one praising my very essence.
Are you my Rock, my Shepherd?
Hold me with those built hands
Underneath that white cloak, unravel your wounds
A gripping reminder of your felt pain and offered salvation.
Kiss me then my Lord
Let me transcend into oblivious bliss
Touch my with your lips
Your flowing hair caress my longing and lost spirit.
Let my cheeks brush against the sweat on your chest
Having me taste the saltiness and your warmth with no regret.
Finally we stand face to face
Though with questions still lingering...
Forgive me Father for I have sinned.